Available course levels

Education system has been 3 different levels for some years. The levels are the next:
Basic (spelunking I.)
Technical (spelunking II.)
Guide (spelunking III.)

Basic course: The general purpose of the 3 month long basic cave course is that:
  •   To let be known the caves with their environmental and spelunking to like them as well. To get the elementary acknowledgement of essential things including moving, personal and group safety, first aid, geology, orienteering, map reading, rope technique and some technical training staff from descents to ascents and so on. 
      After the exam the participants know all the rules and safety things they need for visiting caves. During the course we provided that: put questions are answered and extra lessons are offered if case of missing. 
      Sometimes we divide up the basic course in two parts: first part is learning about and goinig into the the horizontal caves, the secound part is learning about and going into vertical caves and cave parts as well. 
Technical course: The one month long technical course is based mostly on rope technical things:
  •   To get a special skill and acknowledgement of all the single rope technic what can be used and need in any kind of caves. Besides of it the participants learn to install and fix rope systems and some rescue technic ways and methods from hanging ropes as well. It is organized once in 3 years. Sometimes the technical course is shared in two smaller courses.
Guide course. This is a 3 month long advantage course which can be organized once in ten years.
  •   To get all kind of acknowledgement that you need to be a guide and to lead teams in any caves for beginners for professionals as well. It is an high responsibility course including psychological and psychical parts as well.